10 Reasons To Stop Complaining About Getting Older.

Aging is a blessing only a select few get to enjoy.

Write Mind Matters
2 min readDec 4, 2021
  1. There are billions of people right now who wish someone they love had made it as far as you have, including you.
  2. Complaining and stressing causes premature aging.
  3. Nobody looks good complaining.
  4. There’s always someone older and wiser than you, ALWAYS!
  5. The older you get, the more you get away with.
  6. You have things that some people are still working hard to earn.
  7. People wish they had your attitude, i.e. “I don’t care what other people think” yeah, you do; you posted it! Older people don’t post about their personality; they own it.
  8. You have fewer and better social commitments, and you’ve mastered rescheduling when necessary.
  9. Other people work out how new things work for you, so you’re free to do the things you want to do.
  10. You get to watch others make the same mistakes you made and understand why you should shut your mouth and let them.

