Neuroscience & Psychology.

Dumbing Down With TikTok & ChatGPT.

How to systematically erase vital functions from your brain.

Write Mind Matters
3 min readJul 2, 2024
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I used TikTok for about a month to promote this page, but my brain needs stimulation so I did not last, it’s still there in the tiktok abyss.

People with well-developed occipital and temporal lobes can easily identify Artificial Intelligence, they quickly process what they see and hear and effortlessly encode fake from real.

Sit with anyone with a well-developed brain and watch AI, they’ll have a headache within seconds.

The brain is far more advanced than AI, I know it may not seem like that when dealing with certain people, but the human brain is adaptive and complex, and if we don’t succumb to the machines, survival is inevitable.

Survival of the fittest, at least.

Photo by Elie Khoury on Unsplash

I can’t watch people take advantage of others, there are so many people on TikTok literally doing nothing or just their dishes, they sell fantasy stories they’ve wrapped up in sprinkles of facts to make it look legit, or sell and give away absolute junk.

I’ve seen someone get so excited about a packet of free junk they got from tiktok, it was so sad, it was all plastic and glass made to look like real gemstones, and I didn’t have the heart to say, ‘You’ve been ripped off, you’re wearing a melted plastic bottlecap.” Big ups for the recycling, but I value honesty!

Most people are aware of the damage TikTok does to our dopaminergic brain pathways, put simply short bursts of sporadic chunks of information and social inclusion dysfunctionally increases dopamine briefly, leading to addiction known to cause depression and loneliness.

There is a good chance the loneliest most depressed people you know are on tikTok.

Photo by Peter Schulz on Unsplash

China restricts children from using TikTok and similar apps because they know the algorithms are set to dumb down people, but unfortunately for the rest of the world, we’re all left to manage our own brains, and clearly many vulnerable people are not capable.

While the US and parts of Europe are considering following Bangladesh and banning tiktok, it’s more due to privacy issues than the damage it’s causing children’s brains.

Help your children learn healthier ways of living for their brain’s sake.

