I Don’t Trust People Who Brag About Being Kind.
When compassion becomes unkind.
Does it bother you to hear someone talk about how kind they are? Talking about our qualities doesn’t quite have the same impact as demonstrating them.
It's common now with social media to tell rather than show; it’s a shame social media posts generally show what people want others to think or believe instead of anything tangible.
“Before you fake your lifestyle on Facebook, at least block the people that know you in person” — Unknown.
Since Covid began, ‘be kind’ became our country’s slogan. It rubs some people up the wrong way because they feel it wasn’t kind that families were separated from their loved ones, many couldn’t farewell those who had passed, families struggled financially, and some businesses didn’t survive.
There’s also the feeling that ‘be kind’ suggests we don’t already know to be kind. I think that's just a bit nit-picky, as is typical in politics.
Sometimes being kind and compassionate to one person hurts another. Covid and lockdowns are good examples from all perspectives. I don’t mind the “be kind” slogan, but it does remind me of all the times I’ve seen…