
I’m Getting A Little Over Platitudes.

Do we need a personal development revolution?

Write Mind Matters
2 min readDec 8, 2021
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Healing is great, but it suggests something is broken rather than fixed into another position to take on another direction.

When I hear radio ads for how to ‘get your power back’ or those stating they can ‘improve your life tenfold’, I think you arrogant pricks, my life’s fine, don’t change it!

It makes me wonder how many people out there do feel that way. There must be a better way to advertise than to assume their clients are deficient and offer them immeasurable results.

It’s not only life coaches; it’s individuals spitting out toxic positivity like ‘good vibes only’ and ‘be positive’.

Quite a good chunk of us are getting on with our lives and happy in our reality, though with the next Matrix coming out, I’m enjoying reading about simulation theory.

I don’t know where I’m going with this; it’s late, lucky it’s shortform. 150 words or less?

