
The CEO Of Better.com Is Clearly A Narcissist.

Nine hundred employees were made redundant over a zoom call.

Write Mind Matters


I just read an article about Better.com and how the CEO told his employees they no longer have a job over Zoom. I started to watch the video, and there’s a point when he says the last time he did this, he cried … Oh please!

I stopped watching when one of the employers said, “Fuck you, dude,” as soon as he heard the news. Judging from the speed at which that employee responded, he expected it.

So, here are the signs I remember from the article and video, no doubt there are more.

  1. CEO — Let’s say some narcissists tend to end up in high places after stepping on enough people to get there.
  2. The last time I did this, I cried Last time, because he probably does this regularly, and cried because he can’t look like the greedy, self-centred show pony he is, particularly in front of other potential suckers.
  3. He wanted to witness all 900 hearts break — Narcissists love to see the pain they cause.
  4. Stating that he thought it was essential to do it face-to-face — Twisting the truth and trying to make himself the good guy despite what he’s doing.
  5. History of issues with staff — Narcissistic gifting (idealizing), then punishing (devalue & discard).
  6. Smear Campaign — The article states that when he got off the zoom call, he began accusing terminated staff of stealing from customers and the company.
  7. Stories change to suit who he’s talking to — It was market forces when telling the story to those he was terminating, but to everyone else, it was the staffs fault the company was struggling.
  8. Known for having high expectations and punishing staff for minor indiscretions — Narcissists have huge expectations, a tendency to nit-pick, and are highly critical, often becoming abusive when their wants aren't met.

I hope the staff find better employment as soon as possible or that they take the opportunity to chase their dreams. Employers like this CEO are very common and are becoming increasingly so today, which means you must be vigilant and check up on the company and the boss before applying.

Merry Christmas.🌟

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